Women, children and youth free from violence in Buenaventura, Colombia – Phase 2
– DATES : July 1st 2020 – June 30th 2023 (3 years)
– BUDGET : 540 000 €
– WHAT IT’S ABOUT : Reducing violence and improving the protection of children, youth and women in Buenaventura, with an approach based on rights, gender equity, interculturality and a culture of peace.
– LOCAL PARTNER : Taller Abierto
– OTHER PARTNERS : Terre des Hommes Switzerland, Terre des Hommes Germany, EU-LAT Network and Réseau France-Colombie Solidarités
– FUNDING PARTNER : Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
– OBJECTIVES : Support the mobilization of children, young people and women for their rights, non-violence and the development of community and cultural alternatives in the district of Buenaventura.
1. Children, youth and women strengthen their organizational processes and leadership.
2. Educational institutions, families and communities provide a better and safe environment for children, youth and women.
3. The situation of children, youth and women in Buenaventura is known by key actors at local, national and international levels.
– HOW WE INTERVENE : Capacity building, networking, raising awareness
Buenaventura, Colombia’s largest commercial harbor, is a strategic area for its economy, but also one of the poorest and most dangerous cities in the country. Its location makes it a land conducive to illicit activities, fought over by criminal gangs who control and terrorize the neighborhoods. Women, children and young people are witnesses and victims of acts of extreme violence on a daily basis.
The project is implemented in 4 rural and urban areas, mostly Afro-Colombian, as well as an Indigenous reserve.
It seeks to support women, children and young people (aged 10 to 25), help them unite and organize so that they can defend themselves against the violence they face. It aims to strengthen their protection and capacities, in order for them to become promoters of their rights and peace and to create safe environments within schools, families and communities. The project also includes local, national and international advocacy to let the world know about the situation in Buenaventura.
3 objectives :
→ 1 : Children, youth and women strengthen their organizational processes and leadership.
→ 2 : Educational institutions, families and communities provide a better and safe environment for children, youth and women.
→ 3 : The situation of children, youth and women in Buenaventura is known by key actors at local, national and international levels.
The project will target a total of approximately 8,640 people, including 7,365 children and youth, 1,085 women and 190 men.
8,640 people targeted by the project
7,365 children and youth
1,085 women
190 men
[RAPPORT] – Rapport d’activités 2022 : une année de réalisations et d’engagement
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Paroles d’acteur∙ice∙s : 25 ans de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les défenseurs des droits de l’Homme
L’année 2023 marque les 25 ans de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les défenseurs des droits de l’Homme. Retour sur les accomplissements et défis auxquels sont confronté∙e∙s les défenseur∙se∙s des droits humains avec deux partenaires d’Agir ensemble. ©Ernesto Guzman Le 9 décembre 1998, la « Déclaration des Nations Unies sur